Sloppy Toppy Meaning

Learn how to pronounce sloppy toppy

First time in town vip wwwwwwwxxxxxx A sex move where the man lays on his back and holds the woman up with his shins and holds her arms out like an F Tomcat while she gives him a blowjob. Memes referring to Sloppy Toppy are either in reference to wanting the act, or how a person feels after receiving the act, as a reaction. Urban Dictionary mug with the word 'sloppy toppy with a twist'. (vulgar, originally African-American Vernacular, slang) oral sex involving a lot of saliva. What does sloppy toppy mean? Sloppy toppy is slang for.


SLOPPY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary .

Super hot hope to see more boat sex. The meaning of SLOPPY is wet so as to spatter easily: slushy. How to use sloppy in a sentence. When you've seen your wife or gf being fucked by another man b4 you and know that he's cum inside her pussy or when your partner comes home from. Sloppy seconds is where one man fills your pussy up with cum then another man eats her pussy or puts his cock in the freshly fucked pussy. (vulgar, originally African-American Vernacular, slang) oral sex involving a lot of saliva. Sloppy Toppy is a slang term for the act of oral sex performed on a male. The term is interchangeable with blowjob, though it typically implies an above-average.

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