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Sexy ass hot body jaquieetmicheltv No, I did not consider it cheating to get a happy ending. It was just a hand job from a stranger, in a controlled setting. There would be no. Without prior consent from the girlfriend (as in you guys discussed what's allowed or not), it is cheating. The moment someone starts looking. Replies I think it was cheating but the husband was ok with the cheating. Just coz he's ok with it, doesn't mean it wasn't cheating. And dudes are condemned. Cheating is relative. I'd say that anything more than a peck on the lips with someone who's not your partner is considered cheating, unless there's an. Yes. But cheating isn't the end of the world. If your partner is worried about you spending time with other men or women, you should find.

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Is a Hand Job Considered Cheating? Is a Hand Job Considered Cheating?.

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Hihi ja hoor met gemak Do you classify happy endings as cheating?! colby keller. yes a HJ = cheating. It's a sexual act. You don't do sex acts with other people while in a relationship with someone w/o your SO 's. Probably not. The thing with guys and hand jobs is that they like to imagine they're closer to masturbation than fornication, whereas girls don'. Yeah, getting a handjob in a massage parlor is cheating. No doubt. Then he lied about it afterwards. I'm not going to tell you what to do about. Without prior consent from the girlfriend (as in you guys discussed what's allowed or not), it is cheating. The moment someone starts looking. My wife says handjobs aren't cheating. Posted Aug 13, by anonymous views | 33 comments. Follow. So she given a handjob to almost every one.

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Views: 3335 Date: 6/29/2024 Favorited: 55 favorites

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